Complex beams -such as Laguerre-Gaussian, Bessel, and radially-polarized- can present a strong field component in the direction of propagation (here z). In the case of Bessel beams the vector potential is [1]
\mathbf A(\mathbf{r}) &=& A_0 \,\left[ \mathbf{e}_{\sigma} J_{\ell}(q_r r)
e^{i \ell \varphi} - i \,\sigma \mathbf{e}_z
\frac{q_r}{q_z} J_{\ell + \sigma}(q_r r) e^{i (\ell + \sigma) \varphi} \right]
[in the Coulomb gauge $\mathbf E=-\partial_t \mathbf A$] where $\sigma=\pm 1$ indicates circular polarization, and $ \mathbf{e}_\sigma = \mathbf{e}_x + i \sigma \mathbf{e}_y$. For Laguerre-Gaussian is [2]
\mathbf E(\mathbf{r}) &=& E_0 \,\left[
i k (\alpha \mathbf{e}_x + \beta \mathbf{e}_y) u
-(\alpha \partial_x u - \beta \partial_y u)\mathbf{e}_z\right]
\mathbf E(\mathbf{r}) &=& E_0 \,\left[
i k (\alpha \mathbf{e}_x + \beta \mathbf{e}_y) u
-(\alpha \partial_x u - \beta \partial_y u)\mathbf{e}_z\right]
where $u \propto L_{lp}(r)\exp[-(r/w_0)^2]\exp(i\ell \varphi)$ and the constants $\{\alpha, \beta\}$ give the polarization of the field; in particular the circular polarization is $\sigma = i (\alpha \beta^*-\alpha^* \beta)$. The radially-polarized beam can be easily deduced from the above fields, since it is a superposition of TL with opposite orbital and spin angular momenta [3].
It is interesting that Bessel and LG modes present a strong longitudinal field component for anti-parallel fields - having opposite spin and orbital angular momenta- close to the phase singularity: $q_r r \ll 1$. For Bessel, the field is approximated using that $ J_{m}(x) = (x/2)^m/m! $, which shows that $\mathbf A_z \propto (q_r r)^{\ell+\sigma}$ and is thus stronger than $\mathbf A_\perp$ only when $Sgn(\sigma) \neq Sgn(\ell)$ (antiparallel field). The same happens to the LG beam, that reduces close to the singularity to ($\ell>0$)
E_x (\mathbf r)
e^{i\ell \varphi}
E_y (\mathbf r)
e^{i\ell \varphi}
E_z (\mathbf r)
e^{i(\ell+\sigma) \varphi}
where for parallel beams ($\sigma=1$) $E_z=0$. Finally, when a radially-polarized beams is focused it evolves a strong component in the direction of propagation, as Fig. 1 suggests.
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Figure 1: By focusing a radially-polarized beam the electric
field is tilted (to "follow the rays"), and develops a strong component in $z$.
[1] G. F. Quinteiro and P. I. Tamborenea, Theory of the optical absorption of light carrying orbital angular momentum by semiconductors, EPL 85, 47001 (2009).
[2] Loudon, Rodney. Theory of the forces exerted by Laguerre-Gaussian light beams on dielectrics. Physical Review A 68, no. 1 (2003): 013806.
[3] Quinteiro, G.F., Reiter, D.E. and Kuhn, T., 2017. Formulation of the twisted-light–matter interaction at the phase singularity: Beams with strong magnetic fields. Physical Review A, 95(1), p.012106.
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